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Custom Designed Deflashing and Deburring Machines

With regards to the comparison of our units to others, we can say that our technology (designs) are years ahead of any of the other brands. Our specifications, and the quantity of units sold since 1987 speak for themselves.

A) We at C.D.S., Inc. strongly feel that the business relationship that could be established between both of our companies would be extremely beneficial to all (including your present and future customers). Our engineers have incorporated requests and suggestions from our past/present customers, sales representatives into our designs, and have been well accepted and appreciated by the industry.

B) The extremely high throw wheel rpm's that we are able to reach (20,000) is never been heard of before versus 8,000 on other machines. This obviously is a key feature because the media impact is greater, therefore the flash is removed quicker and this means that in many cases the deflashing cycles are shorter.

C) The on-board computer adds a great deal of peace of mind to the end-users, because all of the deflashing data can be stored in the computer memory (under the specific part number), instead of the operators head, or logs which can get lost (misplaced).

D) The use of less rotating components is greatly appreciated by the maintenance people of the end-users, because our units are much easier to maintain and less costly on the spare parts.

E) The use of higher quality on our insulation and the compactness of the blasting chamber, as well as the entire unit are factors withregards to the liquid nitrogen consumption.

F) The amount of the deflashing media which has been typical, is anywhere between 50 to 150 pounds (in the older antiquated units), versus 4 to 7 pounds in our units.

G) The incorporation of the unit being insulated for sound, and theside panels being removable are items which are appreciated by theoperators and maintenance people.

H) The incorporation of our Main Door (blast chamber) Seal assemblyis to the latest state-of-the-art design is a plus for our units,because even under the most severe humidity and temperature (-290ºF.) the door sealing surface and seal do not freeze together.

I) The materials used for fabrication (,where the media & flashtravel) are of materials which are acceptable to the Medical manufacturing (molding) criteria. This has allowed us to enter the Medical molding (deflashing) field, an area that recently has raised a great response. Companies in this field have purchased machines and are installedwithin the strict clean room environments.

J) Our company is also performing the deflashing service for components that are used in the medical field, these components are parts ofassemblies, for heart surgery, respiratory, and many other medicalapplications, such as human implantables.

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C.D.S., Inc.
Cryogenic Deflashing and Deburring Systems

1701 E. Edinger Avenue, Bldg. G-2
Santa Ana, CA92705-5005
Tel: (714) 564-1020   Fax: (714) 564-1025